St. Paul employs a full-time librarian and media specialist to coordinate a state-of-the-art Library Learning Commons (LLC) and multi-functional student space. For primary grade levels K-3, the librarian collaborates with teachers to address literacy standards during scheduled library class periods. For students in grades 4-8, students are taught to utilize the space as more of a resource for current class initiatives or projects. The librarian meets frequently with content-area teachers to learn about different projects and how LLC resources can best support the needs of the students.
St. Paul’s technology team consists of two full-time teacher directors to ensure successful technology use for all grade levels K-8. For students in grades K-6, the technology directors meet regularly with scheduled class periods to teach and assess key concepts and skills. Beginning in kindergarten, each child is assigned a Chromebook for continuous use across the curriculum. The technology directors collaborate with teachers to assist them in using the Google Suite, including Google Classroom, as well as a variety of other learning tools.