St. Paul Parish Athletic Association Website
St. Paul Parish Athletic Association (PAA) is a non-profit self-funding organization formed to serve and support the youths of the Parish. 100% of all members are volunteers. Please contact us if your are interested in helping out in any capacity.
St. Paul Chess Club is an open, fun, learning and playing opportunity for all students in grades 5-8. If you have never played or if you consider yourself an expert, you are welcome! It is a relaxed environment where you can learn, be challenged, and have fun with like minded classmates! Chess Club will typically meet the last Monday of each month (see application for specific dates) in the IDEA LAB. Students are not required to commit to all club dates; this is a “come as your schedule permits” club.
Information from Mr. McBride
Our 8th-grade News Crew is a dynamic group of students dedicated to bringing you the latest news and happenings at St. Paul School. Each week, they produce engaging video announcements featuring the daily prayer, pledge, and saint, along with special features highlighting our school's unique events and achievements.
Power of the Pen is an intramural creative writing competition for grades 7 and 8 that includes schools from every county in the state of Ohio. The non profit organization was founded in 1986 by Lorainne Merrill, and begins for St. Paul School writers at the district level, usually within the greater Columbus area. If our students excel at the regionals, they even have an opportunity to advance to the state competition, which is held at the College of Wooster at the end of May. Our teams meet after school on Fridays during the season to practice, build new skills, and socialize. Karen Rawlins and Saya Becker are the St. Paul coaches, and both teachers are judges at the writing competitions. For more information contact Karen Rawlins at [email protected].
St. Paul Cub Scout Pack 85 has received recognition for the quality of its programming and service projects and is currently the Bishop's Honor Pack. Cub Scouting is for families with a boy in grades 1-5. Dens (6-8 Cub Scouts within a particular age group, with trained adult leaders) meet weekly or bi-monthly. Pack meetings are held monthly (all dens and parents). Cub Scouting focuses on the family and provides parents with constructive ways to effectively raise their sons. The program's focus is on character connections with an emphasis on physical and outdoor activities, faith formation, and service to others. The program is year round, with camp activities available in the summer.
Website for more information- Stpaulpack85.comCub Scout email [email protected]
Troop E-mail-t[email protected]
Boy Scouts (Grades 6-12)
St. Paul Scout Troop has been recognized numerous times for being the "Best Troop" in the area. Scouts are boys ages 11-17, who meet every Tuesday evening from 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. in one of the parish meeting rooms. Monthly outdoor programs include camping, hiking, special trips, and high adventure activities under the boys' own leadership, with coaching from trained adults. "The program is a full year, and families are encouraged to join anytime." More information can be obtained at
The Youth Choir program begins in September and ends with their service at the 9:00 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass. This choir is open to students in grades 4-8 from our Day School and Parish School of Religion.
For Day School students, rehearsals are conducted on Thursdays beginning after school until 4:00. For Parish School of Religion students, rehearsals are held on Sunday afternoon from 2:30 to 3:30. However, some public school schedules of our PSR choristers allow them to attend the Thursday after school rehearsals in lieu of the Sunday afternoon rehearsals.
Beginning in October, the Youth Choir serves a monthly (usually 9:00 a.m.) Mass. Youth Choristers are asked to make a seven-month commitment to this program. To facilitate this, the dates of all rehearsals and Masses are established and sent to parents prior to this commitment being made.
If interested contact John Bryan, Parish Music Director. [email protected]
Middle School Youth are invited to join us for once a month bible study. Please contact Mr. McKee or Mrs. Davison for more information.
[email protected] [email protected]
Our Middle School Youth Ministry meets in the Klinger Center from 6:15-7:45 on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Please visit the link below for more information!