St. Paul School has a long-held tradition of high expectations for teaching and learning as evidenced by the 2013 and 2020 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence.
Teachers across the curriculum integrate inquiry based design into their weekly lesson plans. This provides a platform for personalized learning within the context of Project-Based Learning, team collaboration, multiple strategies for learning, and multiple ways to demonstrate mastery of the standard(s). A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is utilized to ensure that the needs of every student is being addressed.
St. Paul School implements a standards-based teaching, learning, and assessment model. The purpose is to give parents and students a clear understanding of academic progress and growth in relation to the Diocesan course of study. The grading system is mastery-based upon the level of proficiency achieved rather than an average of points accumulated. By focusing on the essential standards that have been identified for each grade level, this system supports high academic and behavioral expectations for all students.